What to expect…

We’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve heard senior law enforcement officers say:  “I wish I had started building better habits earlier” or “That would have been really nice to know when I first started!” 

That’s why this course was developed: To provide you those “lessons learned” so that you can set yourself up for a long and successful career.

Ten years from now, we don’t want you to look back on your law enforcement career and wish that you could have a heart-to-heart with your present-day self to say: “Listen up Schmucky Joe…my back is f-ed; I’m exhausted all the time; my family life is junk; my blood pressure is through the roof; and I have a lot of bad habits. Get it together now, kid, so you don’t end up broken down later on!”

We’ve spent years working with law enforcement officers, military personnel, and first responders–at all levels of their careers–helping them sharpen their most critical performance edge: themselves.

The tips, tricks, and techniques that you’ll receive in this course are ones that can give you that edge. They’re also the ones that typically aren’t taught in any formal law enforcement training. Many officers have had to figure it out on their own, and it’s taken them years of bumps and bruises to get it right.

We don’t want you to waste your time, so we’ve packaged up that “secret sauce” for you so you can benefit from their “lessons learned” right away. We’re going to provide you with answers to two very important questions: “What does it take to be a high performer during law enforcement academy training?” and “What habits do you need to solidify during academy training that will help you be a high performer over a long career in law enforcement?”

We will give the essential information needed to make the most of your time in the classroom, maximize your efficiency while studying, and feel fully prepared on test day. Additionally, we offer up critical mental techniques to help you focus, maintain your confidence, and automate and refine those critical law enforcement practical skills as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

We’ve designed this course to be intentionally complementary to the in-person training that you will be getting at your training academy. This curriculum has been field tested and proven: Trainees are passing with better grades on academic exams, they have more first time go’s on applied skills tests, and they experience fewer preventable training injuries.

And that’s what we want for you. This course will help you grow into the strongest, most resilient version of yourself, so you can step into any situation and perform at your absolute best, every time.