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Without a strong foundation, optimal human performance will never exist. This foundation allows you to step into any situation and do what you need to do. You have to get your head and your body prepped and ready for whatever comes your way.

what you'll learn...

This course will give you the critical components necessary for building a strong foundation for optimal performance. Click on each topic to learn more.
Both mind and body are impacted by internal and external factors.
  • Examine the relationship between the mind and the body, and understand how it impacts performance.
  • Leverage this relationship for optimal learning and performance.
  • Your mindset determines how you will perform.
  • Distinguish between two distinct mindsets which profoundly influence optimal performance and optimal learning.
  • Learn how to identify these two mindsets in yourself and others.
  • Explore methods for shifting into a more effective mindset.
  • Motivation matters in all domains of life from personal to professional.
  • Understand sources of motivation in yourself and others.
  • Identify personal motivators.
  • Capitalize on enduring sources of motivation 
  • Learn quick-win strategies and hacks to help maximize your motivation.
  • Maximize performance with deliberate, systematic, progressive physical training.
  • Understand the relationship between physical fitness and cognitive function.
  • Utilize different types of physical training and leverage each type to maximize physical and cognitive performance.
  • Optimal performance is fueled by optimal nutrition.
  • Learn how your nutritional intake influences physical and cognitive functions.
  • Understand the fundamentals of nutrition and the positive or negative impact too much or too little of these key aspects have on your performance. 
  • Make educated changes to your nutrition to maximize cognitive and physical performance.
  • Stress resilience is about smart recovery, not just stress endurance.
  • Understand the key role recovery plays in optimal performance.
  • Learn what true rest is and how it affects both your physical and cognitive abilities.
  • Engage in strategies that prioritize rest and capitalize on the way your brain and body are designed to function optimally.
  • COURSE action guide...

    Be sure to download the Course Action Guide before you begin. We’ll be referencing it throughout the course.

    What does success look like?

    Before you start this course, take a moment to determine what success looks like for you. Complete the “Before You Start…” activity in the Course Action Guide.

    Join the community...

    Be sure to join the Performance Optimizer Group Coaching community where you can ask questions, celebrate your wins, and share your “AHA!” moments with others.


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