What to expect…

This 4-week series of applied sport psychology is specifically designed to be an immersive learning experience designed to accompany you as you participate and/or compete in the CrossFit Open 2023. The topics align with the competition, are “mini” or “micro” in nature so that you get a useful nugget of information, application techniques and strategies, and guidance on how to adjust how you apply them to tailor your approach to your specific environment and individual participant’s needs.

This series takes two complementary perspectives:

  1. To help you get the most out of your “mental game” as you participate or compete in the workouts of the 2023 CrossFit Open.
  2. To use the Open to practice competing, so that you can practice and refine your mental skills for future competitions.

what you'll learn...

This course will give you the tools you need to quickly utilize sport psychology techniques. Here’s what you’ll learn:

Not only are we looking to give you the right information, but we want to answer your questions too! Be sure to submit your questions prior to or during the Wednesday webinars so we can answer as many questions as possible!