Have you ever wondered if you’re pushing yourself too hard, or maybe not hard enough? Is your training program adequately leveraging progression principles so you get maximum training gains, or could you be unintentionally putting yourself at risk for an overuse or overtraining injury? Are you adequately recovered so you can take on more, or is the stress you’ve been dealing with on a daily basis starting to literally wear your body down?
Well, look no further, because we have the answers to these questions! Well…your heart does actually. The information coming from your heart, that’s hidden in plain view, is the information you need to precisely answer these types of questions. Using the language of Heart Rate (HR) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV), you will be able to determine if you can “go big” today during a workout or if you need more time to rest. This precise determination prevents over-training or injury, which is crucial when you have to be as close to 100% as possible to perform your professional duties. At the same time, understanding HRV and HR zones allows you to maximize your fitness and performance gains with every minute you have available to train. You will learn how to use HRV to your advantage by gaining an objective perspective on how well your body is managing stress, while also knowing when to prioritize rest and recovery. Gaining this knowledge helps to train your own self-awareness and self-regulation of how hard to train and how hard to recover.